How to share password securely
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18/03/2020Table of contents
Did you know that 83% of Americans use weak passwords? In an era of cyber crime, bullying, and account hacking, it has become very important to keep our passwords and accounts safe. We all think that we will never be a victim of any such scenarios, but what if? You can stay safe by taking into account a simple step, i.e., use strong passwords. Read below to find more about how you can make complex passwords with the help of password generators.
What is Password Generator?
Password generator is a tool that helps you generate random and complex passwords. These tools generate complex/strong passwords combining digits, uppercase and lowercase characters, and symbols such as brackets, asterisks, slashes, etc. These are random passwords, and no one guesses them. All you have to do is click generate in the tool, and you have your unique, random, and complex password ready.
Here is an example for a password generator
What is meant by a Complex Password?
The intent behind having a complex password is that it must be difficult for any program or person to find out. Since a password is supposed to ensure that only approved users can access information, a simple password has many security risks. Adequate length and a mix of character types are important components of a complex password. A typically weak password is short and, in one case, only consisting of simple alphabets. As people create password, they sometimes diminish its value by selecting parts of their names, their pets' names, or even the term "password" itself, which has been the most widely used password for several years. A complex password has a combination of lower- and upper-case alphabets, numbers, special characters, and symbols, which makes it much harder to guess than a regular password, ensuring more security.Why should you use Complex Password Generators?
No Personal Bias
Generating complex passwords on your own can be a victim of personal bias. No matter how much we try to make the password strong, we always fear that we will forget the password, and hence we set an easy password. With a password generator, our password is random, and there is no influence of our personal bias situation.No One Can Guess
Since the passwords are generated randomly by software, they are random and complex, and they do not have anything related to the person. People usually guess passwords depending on what the person is like and what would be his/her passwords; however, that's not the case with password generators. They do not know anything about you, and hence no one can guess your password.Completely Safe
Most people might doubt if the password generators are safe or not. Password generators are completely safe since they do not know about which site you want to create a password. Moreover, they don't know your email or username, hence it’s all safe. All they do is generate a complex random password with a mixture of keys and letters, and you're good to go.Creating complex passwords on your own can be tough while keeping easy passwords can be troublesome, but password generators allow you to have complex passwords that no one else can guess, enabling you to remain secure and simplify your life.
Should you use standalone password generator or go for a password manager?
Although there are free complex password generators that can be found with a simple Google search, they are not really convenient. Yes, they can create a strong unique password, but since due to its nature, it is impossible to remember it. Thus you would need a proper way to save it and have access to it. The password manager is a web and mobile app that not only lets you create complex passwords through the built-in generator, but actually to safely store them and access them anytime you need to login.Why do you need password manager?
As previously said, the generators are only good for creating unique passwords, but you also need a way to securely store them. The 3 reasons why having a password manager is a must:1. You don't have to Remember All the Passwords
Password managers store the login information for all websites that you are using and instantly help you sign in to them. The only password you must always remember is the "master password."
2. Fast Access
Password managers allow people to use a single password and then have a username and password automatically filled in each log in point. You will be able to log in quickly and do what you had to instead of typing the wrong passwords, again and again, just to find out which password was for which site.
3. Manage Shared Accounts
Managing who has access to which accounts can be a headache for many companies— especially where multiple individuals require access to a single account. A password manager would allow you to manage the password easily and adjust it as required.
Remembering difficult passwords can be tough while keeping easy passwords can be troublesome, but password generators and password managers allow you to have complex passwords that no one else can guess, enabling you to remain secure, and simplify your life.
Drive Password – the password manager entirely based on Google Drive
Drive Password is a password manager that is easy to use, allows you to create complex passwords and secures them in your Google Drive. Drive Password will enable you to easily share passwords with family and co-workers and protect them from unauthorized access.
Drive password first encrypts then stores all your passwords and secrets in your Google Drive account. You retain complete control over your data by knowing where exactly it is stored. The beauty about the encryption is that it prevents anyone but you (or the people you gave access to) to access it. Not the team behind the app, nor even Google can access them.
2. Easy access anytime, anywhere
You have complete freedom combined with total security. All your passwords and sensitive information will be available to you wherever you go and at any time.
3. Two-Factor Authentication
This further help to safeguard your secrets and passwords. Drive Password supports diverse 2FA methods, for example, biometric identification, pattern lock, password and Google Authenticator.
4. Automatic Import
You don't have to stress yourself when you want to retrieve all your data onboard. You can do it within a few minutes. Drive Password will assist you through each step of exporting to importing the data. Drive Passwords supports import from most recent password managers.
5. Unbreakable Passwords
The Password Generator develops a unique and complex password for each of your accounts based on the latest security standards. Generate, save and use without stress on all your devices.
6. Secure share
Happily Get your team on board! And securely share and manage specific passwords or the whole categories with your team members. Develop as many teams as you would like to organize your secrets, passwords, keys, etc much better.
With Drive password, you are rest assured your private data is safe and you can access them anytime you want, anywhere you are.