How to publish your app on G Suite Marketplace
Store passwords in Google Drive – should you?
21/04/2020Introduction - be careful when sharing passwords at work
As technology is evolving faster than we are, cyberattacks are becoming an increasingly common event with a higher success rate than ever before. But what exactly is a cyberattack? This is any type of offensive maneuver that targets computer information systems, infrastructures, computer networks, or personal computer devices. (source: Wikipedia article about Cyberattack) In the computer science, an attacker is the individual or organization who performs the malicious activities to destroy, expose, alter, disable, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorized use of an asset. Now, imagine the people behind these attacks as giant sharks which are constantly searching for their prey in the endless sea of information and data on the Internet. And there are indeed plenty of small fishes there. If you and your company does not want to be one of them, and eventually get eaten by these sharks, it is best to take your password security at the next level. You need to adopt a new approach to manage and share passwords at work.Why using password manager at your company is crucial?
Non-profit researches show that the majority of people use very weak passwords and reuse them on different websites and tools. It is definitely the easiest way from the user end, but is it the safest one? The answer is NO. By using same or equally weak passwords on many tools and websites at a time, the chances to become a prey for cyber attackers are increasing enormously, as the breaching process will be way more simplified for them. So you probably asked yourself at least one time in your life: “How can I protect all my accounts by using strong and unique passwords on all the tools and websites I use?” The solution is called password manager. There are two main benefits of such manager. The first one is that you don’t have to memorize all your passwords anymore as you have ONE master password which you can use for access to your other stored passwords vault. The second advantage is that a password manager can also auto-generate highly secure passwords for you, whenever you create a new account on a website, application or tool. As usage progresses, you will start to recognize all of the additional benefits of such manager (saving time, synchronization across different OS etc.)Password sharing at work - the right way
As we are using more and more tools and applications in our daily job activity, it is critical to have strong protection for all of them. Any breach caused by a successful cyberattack could be crucial for our organization, as it may lead to severe corporate data leaks.Create complex passwords
The first step, you probably heard and read it million times – create a complex password. If you are out of ideas or would like to automate that, use a complex password generators if you are curious to learn a little bit more about them.Don’t share sensitive information the conventional way
This step is even more important. Never share password via SMS, e-mail, Slack, Skype or any other instant messenger. The most secure way of sharing passwords is to use a tool like Drive Password.Drive Password is a password manage that allows you to store any sensitive information (passwords, bank accounts, credit cards and etc.) and share it with your colleagues at work or with your family at home. The tool offers convenient yet incredibly secure way of sharing passwords at work. Drive Password allows each user to create team inside the app in order to conveniently share passwords or even entire folders with their colleagues. The control over the data remains completely inside the company as everything is stored within the Google Drive accounts. Unlike other password managers, the data is stored within Google Drive and only the authorized members of the organization can access it. We’ve written a detailed guide on secured password sharing ( how to share password securely ) that covers pretty much everything in detail.
Some of the fundamental features of Drive Password
Google AccountAll you need to access Drive Password is to sign in via your Google Account. There is no need to set “master” password or something else you can forget anytime.
File encryption
All your sensitive information is encrypted with Government grade technology and then safely stored in your Google Drive account. Nobody but you can access it. Period.
Google Drive
Unlike others, Drive Password gives you complete control over your data. Your encrypted passwords are stored in your Google Drive account, NOT on our servers.
Custom layers
Drive Password adds multiple layers of security and features on top of the other components to guarantee maximum security and convenience.
Drive Password is a key tool for every company and organization that wants to protect their passwords and securely collaborate and share them.